Change management in post merger integration and the role of the change manager

Change management in PMI is the process and methods (tools) to manage the people side of the integration to achieve the declared PMI goals. Therefore, it is important to link the change management to the PMI strategy and the project management in the PMI project. (integrated change management approach). Both change management and project management support the PMI transformation – moving from the actual organization of the Target through a change period (managed via the PMI project) to the future state (successful integration of the Target organization). Integrating the newly acquired company into your own organization, you are ultimately going to be impacting the following aspects: PMI Strategy, Structure (process organization and structural organization), People (like job roles) and Culture. Whenever you adjust those elements in your own organization or at the Target level you need to manage the technical side as well as the people side.

The role of the Change Manager

Experience has shown that it is supportive to inform the top and middle management upfront and to use them as multipliers. In that regard the preparation of Q&As is helpful and enables to speak the same language and to deliver equal key messages.
Who might be the adequate change agent? This depends on your own as well as on the Target organizations. Supervisors and Managers are Change Agents. Change Management is a leadership topic. Enable managers in their role as change agents through empowerment and awareness-raising workshops. However the concrete involvement and role depends on your specific PMI project. Undertake a stakeholder analysis as early as possible to identify the sponsors and other important multipliers.
The key element in change management is to set up a good communication from the start of the PMI process onwards. There is a need to effectively communicate the change to the employees – communication cannot be overdone. Set up a communication plan already during the due diligence phase. The main questions in that regard are:
• What is my PMI vision and mission? Is my message clear?
• Who is my audience, who is the right sender? (strategy issues should be communicated by the
Top Management level, personal topics (WIIFM=what is in it for me) as new job role by the
direct lead)
• What are the key messages? When is the right time to deliver the message? What is the right
delivery method and frequency?


A practitioner´s view on risk, risk perception and risk handling in merger integrations


Proceedings of the European workshop on software ecosystems, held as part of the Platform economy summit, are available