Surprising and disturbing findings from academia: When to favor M&A over organic innovations digitalmanda, mergerKarl PoppMarch 11, 2025m&a, merger, portfolio, mergers, mergerautomation, innovation
Data-driven innovation strategy; the role of intellectual property digitalmanda, mergerKarl PoppMarch 7, 2025digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger
UPDATED: 2030: What will M&A look like? digitalmanda, mergerKarl PoppMarch 5, 2025digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, bmgen, platforms, software
M&A Automation: The Task of Due-Diligence of Intellectual Property digitalmanda, mergerKarl PoppMarch 4, 2025IP, merger, due diligence, open source due diligence, patents, trademarks
Huge M&A deals: Largest M&A Deal in January 2025 digitalmanda, mergerKarl PoppMarch 3, 2025digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, computer, processor, mergers
Joint business design freeze in merger integration: Full Spec digitalmanda, mergerKarl PoppFebruary 17, 2025digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, spec, mergerautomation
M&A failures: three examples digitalmanda, mergerKarl PoppJanuary 26, 2025digitalmanda, M&A, processes, merger, carve-out, separation, divestiture, issues, seller, fail
Standardizing the M&A tools markets with APIs digitalmanda, mergerKarl PoppJanuary 23, 2025aggregator
Complexity of Information Technology Integration in the Context of Mergers and Acquisitions digitalmanda, mergerKarl PoppJanuary 11, 2025merger, merger integration, manda, digitalmanda, strategy, due diligence, mergerautomation
Key Practices to determine market penetration in the context of mergers and acquisitions digitalmanda, mergerKarl PoppDecember 17, 2024
Best Practices to effectively tackle revenue predictions in mergers and acquisitions digitalmanda, mergerKarl PoppDecember 16, 2024
How can you grow software companies in times of uncertain economic conditions? digitalmanda, mergerKarl PoppDecember 9, 2024
Knowledge graphs and M&A: five ways to supercharge mergers and acquisitions digitalmanda, mergerKarl PoppNovember 11, 2024digitalmanda, acquisitions, M&A, processes, merger, tools, machine learning, ML, knowledge graphs
M&A automation: Automated Valuation Models: Short Overview digitalmanda, mergerKarl PoppNovember 9, 2024merger, merger integration, manda, PMI, denkfabrik, domain model
M&A automation: NLP for Document and Contract Analysis digitalmanda, mergerKarl PoppNovember 5, 2024merger, merger integration, manda, PMI, denkfabrik, domain model