M&A: which roles are involved at the buyer company?

M&A projects are complex projects. One dimension of complexity is the amount of people involved in different roles. I have created a list below and would like to get your feedback by filling out the form below. Thank you in advance.

Business owner within the buyer company

The Business owner within the buyer company is representing the receiving organization, which is the organization the target company is acquired for. The managing director of a division or of a business might be staffed for this role.

Attorney of the buyer

The Attorney of the buyer is responsible for all legal aspects of an acquisition project.

Auditor of the buyer

The Auditor of the buyer

CEO of the buyer

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the buyer is the managing director of the buyer company.

CFO of the buyer

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the buyer is responsible for all financial aspects of the buyer business. This role rules the available budget for mergers and acquisitions and is responsible for financing acquisitions.

Controlling expert of the buyer

Controlling expert of the buyer is a member of the Controlling department of the buyer company.

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Ecosystem expert of the buyer

The Ecosystem expert of the buyer is a person working in the buyer company that has deep knowledge of the ecosystem relevant for an acquisition project.

External attorney of the buyer

External attorney of the buyer is an attorney of a law firm that was hired by the buyer company for an acquisition project.

External auditor of the buyer

External auditor of the buyer is a member of an auditor firm hired by the buyer.

External IP attorney of the buyer

External IP attorney of the buyer is an intellectual property law attorney of a law firm that was hired by the buyer company for an acquisition project.

Finance expert of the buyer

The Finance expert of the buyer is a member of the Finance department of the buyer company specializing in financing aspects of mergers and acquisitions.

Human resources expert of the buyer

The Human resources expert of the buyer is a member of the Human Resources department of the buyer company.

Investment banker of the buyer

The Investment banker of the buyer is an employee of an investment bank hired to support the buyer during an acquisition project.

IP Attorney of the buyer

The IP Attorney of the buyer manages all IP-related topics and issues for the buyer company.

Information technology expert of the buyer

This is an expert for all IT-related aspects for the buyer. This role will evaluate the IT of the target, containing the IT infrastructure, IT organization and processes as well as the application systems and application landscape of the target.

M&A Lead of the buyer

The M&A Lead of the buyer is the person that manages an M&A project along all phases.

Marketing expert of the buyer

This is an expert for all marketing-related aspects for the buyer. This role will evaluate the target´s market position, positioning of the portfolio of target products on the relevant markets and how the target goes to market with the different products.

Negotiation lead of the buyer

The Negotiation lead of the buyer represents the buyer company in all negotiations and coordinates any negotiation activities and the roles involved in the negotiation.

Post-Merger integration lead of the buyer

The Post-Merger integration lead of the buyer is a certified project manager responsible for managing the post-merger integration project.

PMI project manager of the buyer

This role is responsible for managing the integration project across all workstreams on the buyer side.

Production expert of the buyer

This is an expert for all production-related aspects for the buyer. This role will evaluate the production sites, the production technology, the shopfloor processes and will assist in the valuation of production related assets.

Sales expert of the buyer

The Sales expert of the buyer is a member of the Sales department of the buyer company.

Security expert of the buyer

This is an expert for all security-related aspects for the buyer. This role will evaluate the physical and IT-security of the target.

Strategy lead of the buyer

The Strategy lead of the buyer is responsible for strategy creation for the buyer company.

Tax expert of the buyer

The Tax expert of the buyer is a member of the buyer's tax department

Valuation expert of the buyer

The Valuation expert of the buyer is responsible for all valuation aspects of an acquisition project.

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