Karl Popp Karl Popp

Great keynotes for EWSECO April 23 2020 Growth strategies for platform ecosystems TICKETS ON SALE

B2C Platforms like Amazon or Alibaba have all the hype and all the envy. But how does a company create, build or run platforms, business networks, a company in the API economy? answers here:

We have exciting news, the workshop draws massive attention and attracts keynote speakers, sponsors and more:


One keynote speaker is Rolf Schumann, Chief Digital Officer of Schwarz Gruppe. He will talk about enriching the customer experience in retail B2C business networks.

The second keynote speaker from ORY Systems GmbH will give a keynote about using open source to create a successful innovation platform.

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The Schwarz Group, headquartered in Neckarsulm, Germany, owns the companies Lidl and Kaufland and is Germany's largest retail group with a group turnover of 90 billion euros. Its activities are divided into discount food markets under the name of Lidl and hypermarkets and hypermarkets such as Kaufland, KaufMarkt, Concord and Handelshof. Today, Lidl stores are located in almost all European countries. Lidl is currently represented in 26 countries, Kaufland in Germany and in six other countries.

ORY´s mission is to help make the cloud more manageable, useful and safe and to give developers access to infrastructure and services that makes developing for the cloud easier. We consider it a privilege to be able to help developers push the boundaries of modern cloud technology. ORY is the open source and cloud native identity infrastructure. ORY is written in Go and open standards and consensus are the foundation. It is language and platform independent, extremely lightweight, starts up in seconds and doesn’t interfere with your code.

About the workshop

The program committee would like to invite European researchers and practitioners in the field of software ecosystems, platform ecosystems and business networks to come together in Heilbronn, Germany, on April 23rd 2020, to discuss recent (academic) research and recent business experiences and lessons learned, insights or issues related to management of ecosystems, business models or technical issues including but not limited to topics like

  • Software ecosystems

    • Research progress and new knowledge for software ecosystems

    • External forces - the new normal and the impact on software ecosystems

  • Business networks

    • Business networks vs. platform businesses

    • Business networks as platforms for transaction, innovation

    • Growing business networks by extending beyond participants

  • Platform Business Models 

    • Types of platform business models for transaction, innovation

    • “Platformizing” existing businesses - how to be successful?

    • Business model innovation resulting in a platform business model - how to make it work?

    • Architectures and APIs for platforms

  • Growth strategies based on platform ecosystems and business networks

    • Growing by acquiring a platform business

    • Digital platforms and businesses

    • data-driven and analytics ecosystems

We will invite practitioners to the workshop to ensure discussion about the practical impact of research and to give the presenters the opportunity to discuss with practitioners and researchers alike.
The workshop location at City Campus in Heilbronn, Germany, with many software and software service companies having an office nearby which eases the participation for practitioners.

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Workshop style

Socialize and discuss with (academic) researchers and fellow professionals.
We value discussion as well as presentations. So a short, 15 minute presentation is followed by 15 min discussion with fellow researchers and practitioners.
The workshop will be held in English language only.

Poster session

As a new feature of the workshop, we are offering a poster session. If you are interested to present your work in progress to practitioners and fellow researchers, please submit a title and abstract as stated below, mentioning that it should be a poster session.


Propose your presentation titles or poster proposals via email (title and 100 word abstract) to ewseco17@software-ecosystem.com
Submission deadline is March 30th 2020 6pm CET.

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