Dr. Karl Michael Popp

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Events, papers and books in M&A and software business ahead of us

Dear readers,

thank you for your interest in my blog. I wish you a merry christmas and a happy New Year!

What will 2019 bring? More robots in our homes ? We already have two. One vaccum and one mopping robot. More robotic process automation at work combined with Machine Learning ? Sure. More electric cars (Maybe one for me?)? Sending an avatar to work instead of me ? Probably not. We don´t know and that makes life interesting.

Here are some things i will be working on in 2019:

Papers and books

I have the honor to co-edit an issue of IEEE Software:

Michael Cusumano, Slinger Jansen, Karl Michael Popp (eds.), IEEE Software special issue on Managing Software Platforms and Ecosystems, to be published 2019.

I will work on completing the book:

Karl Michael Popp, Successful Post Merger Integration:  State of the art and Innovations in M&A processes, Books on demand, to be published 2019.

We had a great European workshop on software ecosystems at the Platform Economy SUmmit in Berlin and will publish the proceedings asap:

Peter Buxmann, Thomas Aidan Curran, Gerald Eichler, Slinger Jansen, Thomas Kude, Karl Michael Popp (eds.): European workshop on software ecosystems 2018, Books on demand.

With the help of machine learning based translation robots, i might publish another German book, too.


Besides the usual European workshop on software ecosystems and Denkfabrik Wirtschaft, a new workshop will come up, which is a discussion battle between researchers and practitioners in the topic of mergers and acquisitions in London. Xperience Connect will host several thought leadership events on Digitization of M&A and more.

All the best for you and your families in 2019

Always look to the future
